Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bishop Spong and Interpretation of the Christmas Pageant

Why is it that people think that something has to be historically accurate in order to be portrayed dramatically? No, of course it is not history that a star announced Jesus' birth. Stars were used to announce a number of historic births in the Jewish tradition, Isaac and Moses among them. It is not history that a star can wander across the sky so slowly that wise men can keep up with it or that this star can actually stop over wherever the wise men are supposed to dismount. It is not history that Middle Eastern magi will follow a star to the birthplace of a new king of the Jews, who in fact is said to be the son of a carpenter. Neither do angels sing to hillside shepherds in the middle of the night to tell them about the birth of a baby in Bethlehem. Shepherds do not then go to find this child in a crowded village with no clues other than that the babe is wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.

That, however, is not what these narratives are about. The gospel writers knew that they were not writing history, they knew they were creating an interpretive portrait. That is also what you are doing when you present their portrait in a pageant. Why not then open the pageant with the words, "Once upon a time." Would that not signal that this is not history but like all great myths is still profoundly true and significantly important?

Perhaps you might also present a commentary to accompany the pageant. That commentary could then explain the sources on which the gospel writers were drawing for their details and thereby explain the meaning of these symbols. For example scholars know today that Matthew's story of the wise men and the gifts of gold and frankincense come out of Isaiah 60, where kings come to the brightness of God's rising, they come on camels and they bring gold and frankincense. The star in the East is lifted out of the Balaam and Balak story in Numbers 22-24. The manger/crib is a reference to Isaiah 1. The swaddling clothes come out of the Wisdom of Solomon and on and on we could go. A friend of mine who is a priest in the Church of England tried to write a contemporary version of the Christmas story but found it had little appeal to his audience. I do not think people respond to attempts to take the mystery out of an ancient tale. That does not mean, however, that they think the ancient tale is literally true or actually believable.

I made a note of the Bible references in this piece for future study.  They develop the theme that the Christmas story is about demonstrating fulfillment of prophecy.  Not in the sense that Fundamentalists use, the sense of actual events being foretold and thus confirmed by the Bible, but in the sense of bending or creating story elements to use the Bible prophecy to confirm the identity of Christ as the Messiah.  The actual truth of the events in the stable make a proof of the existence of Jesus as someone special.  They make Him the physical and actual son of God. 

Turning the Christmas Story into a fairy tale eliminates that proof. The story relates desires of men but does not tell of actual, miraculous events that fill those desires.  Bishop Spong is assuming that we really know that Jesus isn't the Miraculous Being we portray in the story, but, only a human baby with a real father that died and was completely disowned by the supporters of his son.  I think that is a bigger leap than Bishop Spong implies in his piece.  I think it is a step toward truth but a real bombshell.

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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dubai is the center of Architecture in the World Today

"Dubai is Nuts" Gallery
WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON OVER THERE? Dubai is said to currently have 15-25% of all the world's cranes.

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Friday, March 21, 2008

TED | Talks | Karen Armstrong: 2008 TED Prize wish: Charter for Compassion (video)

TED | Talks | Karen Armstrong: 2008 TED Prize wish: Charter for Compassion (video)


Pope Benedict XVI and Captain Robert Fitzroy of The Beagle

My thanks go to Captain Fitzroy for helping me to understand the mentality of the religiously certain. That insight has also helped me to understand and even to appreciate why my publisher, Harper-Collins, has decided to promote the upcoming release of the paperback version of my book Jesus for the Non-Religious as an alternative to the Pope's book Jesus of Nazareth. "The Pope," says the promotional blurb on the new paperback's cover, "describes the ancient traditional Jesus. John Shelby Spong brings us a Jesus by whom modern people can be inspired." I hope they are correct.

Bishop Shelby Spong has no truth that he has to deny in his defense of his faith.  Spong can meet the requirements of the modern world and bring a faith to the believer that does not demand incredible leaps of reason.  The Pope's new book can not make that claim.  He teaches the old beliefs and has nothing to say to those who know the facts of our world today. 

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Bishop Spong Speaks on Heresy

Embracing new truth in the midst of a dying tradition that is either unable or unwilling to hear or to comprehend that new truth, is the only hope Christians have for a Christian future. I do not know of a single biblical scholar of world rank today who treats the Virgin Birth as either history or biology. Does that make those of us who agree with this almost universal scholarly consensus heretics? I do not know of a single biblical scholar of world rank today who thinks the story of the resurrection of Jesus is about the physical resuscitation of his three-day dead body. Does that make those of us who have read and been convinced by this consensus heretics? Such charges of heresy are little more than the frightened responses of the religiously insecure who can not seem to comprehend that the gospels did not drop from heaven fully written. They were composed some 40-70 years after the crucifixion of Jesus and in a language neither Jesus nor his disciples spoke. The heresy hunters do not understand that the creeds were hammered out in a Church convention in the fourth century and that neither Paul nor the disciples of Jesus would have recognized the concepts in which that debate was carried out. Christian truth is not contained in static propositional statements. It is ever changing and constantly evolving because it is always an attempt to place a timeless experience into the time limited vocabulary of the speaker's generation.

Bishop Spong puts the burden of preaching incorrect ideas on traditional teachers of the Bible in this essay.  He does not let them off the hook while they are preaching non-sense.

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Monday, March 17, 2008

Facing up to debt contagion - Opinion -


Facing the possibility of a serious financial meltdown, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke jumped in over the weekend to help engineer J.P. Morgan Chase's fire sale purchase of Bear Stearns & Co., a Wall Street investment bank battered by its heavy involvement in mortgage-backed debt, while the troubled firm rushed to sell itself to a more stable suitor.

This action came on top of a broader assistance package unveiled Tuesday that included the Fed taking $200 billion in toxic mortgage-backed securities off the books of major firms in return for U.S. Treasuries — a terrible trade-off for taxpayers but apparently necessary to keep the financial system functioning.

Both moves are extraordinary and a measure of just how worried the Fed is that the nation's steadily worsening debt crisis will spin out of control.

When will this government ever run out of money or places to borrow from?  It is unreal that we, the taxpayers, will end up paying for the losses of these banks and their chief execs will get richer yet. That is what seems to be happening though.

Facing up to debt contagion - Opinion -

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The 'Blog' Turns 10 - Switched: Gadgets, Tech, Digital Stuff for the Rest of Us


Happy belated birthday, blogosphere! In case you didn't know, December 17 was the 10th anniversary of the term 'Weblog,' which was shortened to 'blog' at some point. The term started with a man, Jorn Barger, who used the phrase to describe his Web page where he posted links of interesting things he found around the Internet.
Back in 1997, blogging was hardly the phenomenon it is today. Some of the most conservative estimates put the number of true 'weblogs' at that time in the lower double digits. These days no one can really say how many blogs are out there. Technorati, a blog tracking service, estimates that 120,000 new blogs pop up every day. In April the site was tracking just over 72 million blogs.
The blog has morphed from its early days as a way of sharing cool finds (like Digg minus the voting), to the primary form of information dispersal on the Web. Blogging has become the format of choice in the fast-paced world of tech (like and politics, and has empowered a generation of new journalists. Now the New York Times has blogs, the Daily Kos is one of the most important forces in the Democratic party, and even CNN has the YouTube-esque iReport citizen journalism program. Like it or not, in less than 10 years time, blogs have completely altered the face of media.

The 'Blog' Turns 10 - Switched: Gadgets, Tech, Digital Stuff for the Rest of Us

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Monday, March 10, 2008

Vatican lists "new sins," including pollution


VATICAN CITY, Mar. 10, 2008 (Reuters) — Thou shall not pollute the Earth. Thou shall beware genetic manipulation. Modern times bring with them modern sins. So the Vatican has told the faithful that they should be aware of "new" sins such as causing environmental blight.

The guidance came at the weekend when Archbishop Gianfranco Girotti, the Vatican's number two man in the sometimes murky area of sins and penance, spoke of modern evils.

Asked what he believed were today's "new sins," he told the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano that the greatest danger zone for the modern soul was the largely uncharted world of bioethics.

This is a perfect example of the authoritarian methods of the Church.  While the Church Fathers may have very good points, why make this into a sin?  A sin says who?  Some group of old men with unknown training and believes who predictably parrot the views of the Church.  Views that lead to the creation of sins that will no longer be sins when the full light of understanding is shown upon them.  Of course the sins of the Church in its error will be rarely mentioned. Its far better to leave these things in the realm of normal human understanding than to enlist the punishment of God on your side of the argument. 

Vatican lists "new sins," including pollution

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Sunday, February 17, 2008

TED | Talks | David Deutsch: What is our place in the cosmos? (video)


TED | Talks | David Deutsch: What is our place in the cosmos? (video)

TED | Talks | Howard Rheingold: Way-new collaboration (video)


This video talks about a new economic order that uses sharing as a way to maximize wealth.  It fits with the strange performance of people in voluntary organizations and with people having excess property which they then give or sell very cheaply.  IE bikes along the road in Michigan.


TED | Talks | Howard Rheingold: Way-new collaboration (video)


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Friday, February 15, 2008

YouTube - Islam's View on Women


It's very interesting to watch a PHD in Biotech give a clear definition of some of the tenets of his religion. Of course, Islam's treatment of women leaves much to be desired. It is the greatest aid to the victory of the modern western world in this discussion.

YouTube - Islam's View on Women

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YouTube - How to easily defeat a Christian in debate.


Islam has its speakers and reasoners as well as Christianity. Deedat is an able practionner of this art.

YouTube - How to easily defeat a Christian in debate.

YouTube - Who Wrote The Bible? (1/12)


This series tells us much about the modern view of Bible scholarship.  The writer has extensive writings on religion on his site.
Link to writer's home page on YouTube

YouTube - Who Wrote The Bible? (1/12)

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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Listen Up TV

Listen up TV is a website on modern religion with a far more mature outlook than average.  I plan to return to it when possible.

Listen Up TV

Video Search the golden compass

Video Search the golden compass


This is a deeper view on the impact of "the Golden Compass" from a conservative point of view

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Thursday, February 7, 2008

Richard Dawkins - Biographical resource about the author / scientist and his research and books

Richard Dawkins does a wonderful job of explaining biology and science.  He is less convincing in has role promoting atheism as a religion. Both views deserve careful study however.  This website is as good as any to begin that study. is another site that presents opposing positions.


"In The God Delusion,  Richard Dawkins, the celebrated evolutionary biologist, Oxford Professor, and author (The Selfish Gene, The Blind Watchmaker, A Devil's Chaplain, The Ancestor's Tale), gives us a carefully-reasoned yet entertaining treatise on atheism that is equally eloquent and provocative. His basic argument is that the collective irrational belief in "The God Hypothesis" is not only wrong ("intellectual high treason"), but pernicious in its resulting intolerance, oppression, bigotry, arrogance, child abuse, homophobia, abortion-clinic bombings, cruelties to women, war, suicide bombers, and educational systems that teach ignorance when it comes to math and science. Sure to provoke his adversaries, Dawkins not only portrays the "psychotic" God of the Old Testament as "arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully" (p. 31), but also challenges, quite convincingly, every major argument for God's existence, and shows that the Founding Fathers considered religion to be a threat to democracy. Thomas Jefferson, for instance, claimed "Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man" (p. 43). Benjamin Franklin said "Lighthouses are more useful than churches" (p. 43). A 1796 treaty signed by John Adams declares, "the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion" (p. 40). Adams also said, "this would be the best of all possible worlds, if there were no religion in it" (p. 43). Even conservative icon, Barry Goldwater, threatened to fight fundamentalists "every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans" (p. 39)."

Richard Dawkins - Biographical resource about the author / scientist and his research and books


Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Christopher Hitchens Debates Alister McGrath -


Christopher Hitchens Debates Alister McGrath -


Bishop John Shelby Spong #3148.1

Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a founding member of the Women's Movement in the United States. For all of her adult life, she fought for justice for Blacks and for women and , of course, indirectly for men. Below we hear her views on the role of the Church in that struggle.


"It does not occur to them that men learned in the languages have revised the book many times, but made no change in woman's position. Though familiar with "the designs of God," trained in Biblical research and higher criticism, interpreters of signs and symbols and Egyptian hieroglyphics, learned astronomers and astrologers, yet they cannot twist out of the Old or New Testaments a message of justice, liberty or equality from God to the women of the nineteenth century!

"The real difficulty in woman's case is that the whole foundation of the Christian religion rests on her temptation and man's fall, hence the necessity of a Redeemer and a plan of salvation. As the chief cause of this dire calamity, woman's degradation and subordination were made a necessity. If, however, we accept the Darwinian theory, that the race has been a gradual growth from the lower to a higher form of life, and that the story of the fall is a myth, we can exonerate the snake, emancipate the woman, and reconstruct a more rational religion for the nineteenth century, and thus escape all the perplexities of the Jewish mythology as of no more importance than those of the Greek, Persian and Egyptian."



Bishop John Shelby Spong #3148.1

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Diary of Anne Frank

Today the story of Anne Frank has reached far. Anne was a young vibrant intellegent girl who died in the Nazi concentration camp at Auschwitz-Berkenau when she was only a few months from her 16th birthday. Through her travail she never swayed from her wisdom, courage and love of humanity. She died of typhus only a few days after her sister died in the camp from the same disease. Tragically, Anne died only a few weeks before the prisoners of Auschwitz-Birkenau were rescued and freed by the Allied army in 1945.

from womennewsnetwork.vod

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Pat Buchanan -


Pat Buchanan -

The African View of Morality and Social Justice -

This is a wonderful interview on the situation of the Anglican Church in Africa by a very able man.

The African View of Morality and Social Justice -

View The African View of Morality and Social Justice on
View The African View of Morality and Social Justice on

Kenya violence brings a bloody end to uneasy coexistence among ethnic groups - International Herald Tribune


Tribal tensions have been simmering in Kenya for decades.

After independence in 1963, then-President Jomo Kenyatta flooded this western Kenyan region, native to the Kalenjin and Luo tribes, with his Kikuyu people. Many of the Kikuyu had been displaced by the British from the fertile central highlands that are their ancestral home.

The Kikuyu settlers quickly prospered, growing into the most powerful of Kenya's 42 ethnic groups, running businesses and politics. But favoritism shown to Kikuyus fueled old resentments.

Kikuyus in the Rift Valley were targeted in ethnic clashes during elections in 1992 and 1997, when then-President Daniel arap Moi, a Kalenjin, sponsored gangs from his tribe to intimidate his opponents.

Politicians also helped stoke recent violence, with opposition politicians promising Kalenjins the return of lands they believe were wrongly wrested from them.

Kenya violence brings a bloody end to uneasy coexistence among ethnic groups - International Herald Tribune


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This is an example of the complexity of world events today. We have the potential of conflict on every level from nuclear weapons to bows and arrows.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Then 'ere's to you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, an' the missis and the kid:
...............Our orders was to break you, an' of course we went an' did.
...............We sloshed you with Martinis, an' it wasn't 'ardly fair;
...............But for all the odds agin' you, Fuzzy-Wuz, you broke the square.


image_db1.jpg (image)

This picture popped up in Blogger Play.  Every fifteen seconds or so something new comes up.  It is like visiting an art gallery of the world.  I see so much in common and so much that is new.

image_db1.jpg (image)

Life is dandy: The Real vs. The Surreal

Sarah has written and photographed a very touching story of life in the Middle East.  These photos of all the barred gates make you wonder what life is like in those communities.  Click on the link and see for yourself.

Life is dandy: The Real vs. The Surreal

Monday, January 7, 2008

Dan Kimball and what Martin Luther would dol

At one point, a conversation I was in turned to Martin Luther who was 29 years old when he nailed the Luther nailed a copy of the 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. He had a heart for the Scriptures to be translated into the common language of his day. He wrote music. But then the question came up "What would Martin Luther do and focus on if he was just starting a ministry today?" That question is one I have been thinking about since it came up.

Dan Kimbal has set us up an interesting thought experiment here.  If Luther were alive today and had been raised today would he even recognize himself?  What would his religious background be that would cause him to fear a thunderstorm so much that he devoted his life work to God?  Luther seems to have a dogmatic personality.  He was not given to listening to the opinions of others.  How would that fit in the new emerging church?  I don't think a man like :Luther will give the answers for the problems of Christianity in this age.  We don't need a dogmatic personality to pull us back to an earlier, more pure belief.  We need someone who can integrate the truths of the worlds faiths into a new view of religion.  We don't go back this time.. We go forward.

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Friday, January 4, 2008

Obama's Victory Speech

One of the best political speeches I've seen in a long while.


Thursday, January 3, 2008

Vodpod autopost test

Hello from Vodpod!

James G. Birney and His Times: The ... - Google Book Search


James G. Birney and His Times: The ... - Google Book Search,M1

Screen clipping taken: 1/3/2008, 11:09 AM


This information makes Birney's slave manumission clear.