Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Creation Museum

Tara Smith, who writes the Aetiology Blog reports on her trip to the Creation Museum.  She has so photos that add to the piece.  The anti-science view of this place depresses most scientists.  Tara was no exception.  Her point about there being very little science in the presentation is not surprising.  Can you imagine trying to fill a museum with convincing arguments about literal creation.  Creationists can raise plenty of money.  They can hire the best audio visual people and make world class exhibits but they need something to show.  A museum full of 'God did It'  would be a professional presention of a long family vacation at best and at worst it would be complete drivel.  There could be no logical argument.  There could be so steps to explain the design.  It would be just 'God did It'  don't ask questions.

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