Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Opus Dei and the Modern Media World

ROME — In what is being touted as Opus Dei's answer to "The Da Vinci Code" Italy's Lux Vide and Opus Dei are developing a theatrical biopic about Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer, the onetime secretive Catholic organization's founder.

Project was unveiled by Opus Dei in Rome in an office packed with publications about Escriva de Balaguer, who founded Opus Dei in Madrid in 1928. The organization, whose name means "The Work of God," has about 85,000 members, most of whom are laymen.

Screenplay is being penned by "Pope John Paul II" scribe Francesco Arlanch, and by Armando Fumagalli, an academic at Milan's Catholic University.

The Opus Dei founder, whose credo was that everyone is called to become a saint, died in 1975 and was canonized a saint in 2002, the fastest canonization in Catholic Church history.

Ah, the power of the pen...or in the case the video camera.  What does Opus Dei want to tell us?  What does the Pope want to tell us since his scribe, Francesco Arlanch, is writing the screen play.  I wonder if I will be able to see this video thanks to the internet..  Fifteen years ago, in my small town in Michigan,  something like this would have only been shown in the basement of a Catholic Church at the discretion of the local priest.  Since, I am Protestant,  I am only guessing, but I'll bet that is true.  Now, well I will just have to wait and see.

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