Thursday, April 26, 2007

A Young Woman at Virginia Tech Showed us the Way

BLACKSBURG, Va. (April 26) - A senior at Virginia Tech  said moral responsibility led her to add a stone for gunman Seung-Hui Cho  to a memorial for his 32 shooting victims that was set up at Virginia Tech late last week.

"We did not lose only 32 students and faculty members that day; we lost 33 lives," senior Katelynn Johnson wrote in a letter.

Katelynn Johnson was a credit to the nation, her school and her family when she choose to remember Seung-Hui Cho, the Virginia Tech shooter,  Surely, his death was a tragedy too.  Her actions demonstrate a high sense of empathy for her fellow student.  She spoke for many of us who mourned him too.  I believe that the Jesus who asked for forgiveness for those who crucified him would ask the same for Cho.

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