Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Christopher Hitchens Debates Alister McGrath -


Christopher Hitchens Debates Alister McGrath -


Bishop John Shelby Spong #3148.1

Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a founding member of the Women's Movement in the United States. For all of her adult life, she fought for justice for Blacks and for women and , of course, indirectly for men. Below we hear her views on the role of the Church in that struggle.


"It does not occur to them that men learned in the languages have revised the book many times, but made no change in woman's position. Though familiar with "the designs of God," trained in Biblical research and higher criticism, interpreters of signs and symbols and Egyptian hieroglyphics, learned astronomers and astrologers, yet they cannot twist out of the Old or New Testaments a message of justice, liberty or equality from God to the women of the nineteenth century!

"The real difficulty in woman's case is that the whole foundation of the Christian religion rests on her temptation and man's fall, hence the necessity of a Redeemer and a plan of salvation. As the chief cause of this dire calamity, woman's degradation and subordination were made a necessity. If, however, we accept the Darwinian theory, that the race has been a gradual growth from the lower to a higher form of life, and that the story of the fall is a myth, we can exonerate the snake, emancipate the woman, and reconstruct a more rational religion for the nineteenth century, and thus escape all the perplexities of the Jewish mythology as of no more importance than those of the Greek, Persian and Egyptian."



Bishop John Shelby Spong #3148.1

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Diary of Anne Frank

Today the story of Anne Frank has reached far. Anne was a young vibrant intellegent girl who died in the Nazi concentration camp at Auschwitz-Berkenau when she was only a few months from her 16th birthday. Through her travail she never swayed from her wisdom, courage and love of humanity. She died of typhus only a few days after her sister died in the camp from the same disease. Tragically, Anne died only a few weeks before the prisoners of Auschwitz-Birkenau were rescued and freed by the Allied army in 1945.

from womennewsnetwork.vod

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Pat Buchanan -


Pat Buchanan -

The African View of Morality and Social Justice -

This is a wonderful interview on the situation of the Anglican Church in Africa by a very able man.

The African View of Morality and Social Justice -

View The African View of Morality and Social Justice on
View The African View of Morality and Social Justice on

Kenya violence brings a bloody end to uneasy coexistence among ethnic groups - International Herald Tribune


Tribal tensions have been simmering in Kenya for decades.

After independence in 1963, then-President Jomo Kenyatta flooded this western Kenyan region, native to the Kalenjin and Luo tribes, with his Kikuyu people. Many of the Kikuyu had been displaced by the British from the fertile central highlands that are their ancestral home.

The Kikuyu settlers quickly prospered, growing into the most powerful of Kenya's 42 ethnic groups, running businesses and politics. But favoritism shown to Kikuyus fueled old resentments.

Kikuyus in the Rift Valley were targeted in ethnic clashes during elections in 1992 and 1997, when then-President Daniel arap Moi, a Kalenjin, sponsored gangs from his tribe to intimidate his opponents.

Politicians also helped stoke recent violence, with opposition politicians promising Kalenjins the return of lands they believe were wrongly wrested from them.

Kenya violence brings a bloody end to uneasy coexistence among ethnic groups - International Herald Tribune


Technorati Tags: ,,

This is an example of the complexity of world events today. We have the potential of conflict on every level from nuclear weapons to bows and arrows.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Then 'ere's to you, Fuzzy-Wuzzy, an' the missis and the kid:
...............Our orders was to break you, an' of course we went an' did.
...............We sloshed you with Martinis, an' it wasn't 'ardly fair;
...............But for all the odds agin' you, Fuzzy-Wuz, you broke the square.


image_db1.jpg (image)

This picture popped up in Blogger Play.  Every fifteen seconds or so something new comes up.  It is like visiting an art gallery of the world.  I see so much in common and so much that is new.

image_db1.jpg (image)

Life is dandy: The Real vs. The Surreal

Sarah has written and photographed a very touching story of life in the Middle East.  These photos of all the barred gates make you wonder what life is like in those communities.  Click on the link and see for yourself.

Life is dandy: The Real vs. The Surreal

Monday, January 7, 2008

Dan Kimball and what Martin Luther would dol

At one point, a conversation I was in turned to Martin Luther who was 29 years old when he nailed the Luther nailed a copy of the 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. He had a heart for the Scriptures to be translated into the common language of his day. He wrote music. But then the question came up "What would Martin Luther do and focus on if he was just starting a ministry today?" That question is one I have been thinking about since it came up.

Dan Kimbal has set us up an interesting thought experiment here.  If Luther were alive today and had been raised today would he even recognize himself?  What would his religious background be that would cause him to fear a thunderstorm so much that he devoted his life work to God?  Luther seems to have a dogmatic personality.  He was not given to listening to the opinions of others.  How would that fit in the new emerging church?  I don't think a man like :Luther will give the answers for the problems of Christianity in this age.  We don't need a dogmatic personality to pull us back to an earlier, more pure belief.  We need someone who can integrate the truths of the worlds faiths into a new view of religion.  We don't go back this time.. We go forward.

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Friday, January 4, 2008

Obama's Victory Speech

One of the best political speeches I've seen in a long while.


Thursday, January 3, 2008

Vodpod autopost test

Hello from Vodpod!

James G. Birney and His Times: The ... - Google Book Search


James G. Birney and His Times: The ... - Google Book Search,M1

Screen clipping taken: 1/3/2008, 11:09 AM


This information makes Birney's slave manumission clear.