Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Einstein's Dreams-Alan Lightman

Origins: The Lives and Worlds of Modern Cosmologists

In extended interviews with 27 leading cosmologists about their science, their childhood, their influences, their belief systems, and their religious views, Origins explores the personal and philosophical factors that enter into the scientific process. This anthology is unique. The book begins with an introduction to modern cosmology, then ranges over all contemporary issues. Interviewees include

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"There is no better way to understand the current confusions of the world's top cosmologists than by reading this timely and admirable anthology." -- The Washington Post Book World

"The interviews are exceptionally readable and informative while retaining the flavor of each scientist's personality and attitudes." -- The New York Review of Books

"If you are willing to tag along for the odd turns into blind alleys and to back up again looking for the main path, a wonderful two-pronged story starts to emerge. Half of it is the story of our horizon's being pushed out to the very edges of the universe . . . The other half is far more sober: the story of the scientific community . . . caught at a moment when its theories are in a terrible, uncertain flux." -- The Atlantic

"vigorous, often dissenting voices heard in this now revelatory, now mind-boggling book" -- Boston Phoenix

Alan Lightman

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Alan Lightman on NPR


Alan Lightman explains the relationship of art and science.

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Monday, June 25, 2007

Yoism, a new point of view

Yoism is a new label to me. It will require some research to see what it means and who it is important to. I make a link here so we can research it further.

In another contrast to religions that are familiar to most of us—religions
that are built on "truths" received from special, long-dead "authorities"
supposedly witnessed or participated in miracles—The Way of Yo teaches
us that
our knowledge, our Truths, must be based on what people everywhere
can directly
experience for themselves, today. Despite the repeated claims
that there is
"overwhelming evidence" for this or that traditional belief,
the poor,
contradictory quality of such evidence was demonstrated over a
quarter of a
millenium ago by the philosopher, David Hume. This is why
traditional religion
inevitably resorts to appeals to blind faith, i.e.,
belief that must be accepted
without evidence. Indeed, such faith is often
taken to indicate piety. So in a
major contrast with the standard religions,
the existence of Yo, not only can be
proven, it has been proven by modern

Link to Yoism.org

Richard Dawkins and Quantum Physics

Richard Dawkins explains the difference between mysterious proposals in science and religion. He uses the predictions of quantum physics and the implications of the doctrine of the Trinity

Google fights global internet censorship - Yahoo! News

Google fights global internet censorship - Yahoo! News

Google is contesting internet censorship through legal means by declaring it to be a restriction of trade. Under World Trade Organization rules, countries can limit trade for national security or public moral reasons, exceptions that authoritarian governments would likely cite when filtering politically sensitive material.

Free exchange of information is essential to entry into the modern world. Nations that deny it restrict that entry.

Friday, June 22, 2007

English version of the Hubble DVD 15 Years of Discovery, Chapter 8, BIRTH AND DEATH OF THE UNIVERSE

English version of the Hubble DVD 15 Years of Discovery, Chapter 8, BIRTH AND DEATH OF THE UNIVERSE. More information on the ESA Hubble 15th Anniversary page. NOTE: small parts of this material is third-party and may not be used without prior approval.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

the "Big Wow"

Essentially, the "Big Wow" is about how the universe became conscious as a result of the OR collapse of universal wavefunction superpositions generated by early inflation, thereby linking consciousness itself to the information content of "qubits" at a certain threshold level in the specific systems under consideration. In this case, the universal awareness, which appears to coincide very precisely to the biological threshold [10^9 superpositional registers].

Link to Article

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Monday, June 18, 2007

Answers with Ken Ham - Did God Create in 6 Literal Days? (Part 2 of 12)

Ken Ham clearly states how central an infallible Bible is to his whole belief system. Of course, it is impossible to disprove a Bible that is defined as never in error. If the world had facts in every tree that said something different than Genesis, Ham would be convinced Genesis was right. There is no meaningful debate and never can be.

Featuring Ken Ham, internationally known speaker and leading apologetics author on the accuracy and authority of the Scriptures, this fast-paced and sometimes humorous series provides solid answers to the most-asked questions about the Bible--particularly the book of Genesis. You'll think more biblically in all areas of life after viewing this Bible-honoring series. These well-illustrated presentations will teach you how to reconnect the Bible to the real world!